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Importance of Breast Cancer Screening

breast cancer screening

Posted in: Breast Cancer Treatment by Dr. Tarang Krishna Posted Date: 30 Jun, 2015

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women around the world. The chances of a women being diagnosed with the disease some time during her lifetime is 1 in 8. Therefore it is important for women to be breast cancer aware and should get her checked on a regular basis.  “Women who undergo breast cancer screening cut their risk of dying from the disease by 40%, according to a global panel of experts,” The Guardian reports.


Breast cancer is a cancer that usually develops in the inner lining of the milk ducts or the lobules. The cancer that starts from the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma and the cancer that starts from the ducts is called ductal carcinoma. Everyone’s breast looks and feels different in make-up. There is no right or wrong way of checking it. But you can keep a note on the following points:


  • A change in size or shape of one or both the breast
  • Redness or rash around the skin or nipple
  • Discharge from one or both the nipples
  • Lump in several parts of the breast
  • Constant pain in the breast
  • If one or both the nipples change in shape (inverted)

Another way to find out about breast cancer is through screening tests. Breast screening tests helps to find the cancer before a person develops symptoms. This can help locate cancer at an early stage. When cancer is found early, it is easier to treat the disease and the chances of complete recovery increases.


Three of the common tests used for screening are: Mammogram, CBE (Clinical breast exam) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Mammography is one of the most common screening tests available. This test detects tumors that are too small to feel. Finding out about breast cancer in the early stage can reduce the risk of dying from the disease by 25-30%. It is recommended that women should begin having mammogram tests yearly at age 40. According to the American Cancer Society, about 10% of women who had a mammogram might require more tests if they have dense breast or are under the age of 40. This is because the mammogram test might not give proper results.

Before going for any screening tests, doctor should be consulted. Small changes in your lifestyle can have big effects on your life. And you can achieve this by keeping yourself aware about various health issues.

About The Author

Picture of Cancer Specialist Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna, Director at Cancer Healer Center, is the perfect epitome of perseverance and dedication.

He has an impressive educational background to his credit. He completed his under-graduation in Medicine and Surgery from Pune, India and did his MD (Hom) from Agra University, India.Thesis on MD was on "Treatment of cancer" where he presented cases of almost 100 patients and the response of the medicines in the treatment of cancer. He then completed his Ph.d in Oncology from the United Kingdom and his thesis on the ‘Efficacy of Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’ is greatly commemorated and honored.

He befittingly represents alternate medicine and has contributed significantly towards the development and research of immunotherapy.

Through his nationwide chain of “Cancer Healer Center” clinics he strives to offer superior cancer treatment, using immunotherapy.

30 Jun, 2015
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