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How India is showing the world a way to fight cancer

How India is showing the world a way to fight cancer

Posted in: Cancer by Dr. Tarang Krishna Posted Date: 02 Mar, 2014

Cancer is one of the diseases that have made doctors and scientists all over the world to join hands and find ways to fight it back. A lot of research is undertaken, and some of them have also yielded results. Some doctors believe in conventional treatments only while others are ready to adopt alternative ways. A lot of interesting facts have also been thrown up which may help common people to protect themselves from this deadly disease.

Therapies for cancer treatment – use of vitamin C

A lot of doctors believe that the right way to ward off the disease is by bolstering the immune system of the body. These doctors have carried extensive research and found that vitamin C can prove to be helpful to fighting cancer. These doctors depend on the theory of immunotherapy and encourage their patients to try therapies for cancer treatment. It has been found out that vitamin C when given in large quantities helps the body to make collagen and boosts the cancer fighting drugs. The doctors claim that patients who are undergoing conventional treatment can benefit from taking more of vitamin C in the form of natural food items like oranges, strawberries and kale. This fact may boost the development of alternative treatment of cancer.

Alternative cancer treatment – India’s battle against cancer

India is also fighting its own battle against cancer with the help of cancer specialist like Dr. Tarang Krishna. Cancer treatment in India is getting a lot of attention from the entire world as many therapies for cancer treatment are being devised here.

fight against cancer

Dr. Krishna has been working as a cancer specialist for several years and is committed to fighting this disease. He has formed the Cancer Healer Center where patients are treated with immunotherapy. The medicines given by Dr. Krishna do not cause side effects like nausea, hair fall, weight loss and mouth sores. The cancer healer medicine has been found to improve the quality of life and boost the immune system. The patients who take this medicine can maintain the health of their bones unlike those who undergo conventional treatment. The medicine is also effective in providing relief from pain and wounds that are caused by cancer. In a nutshell, Cancer Healer can prove to be a vital factor in curing cancer. Dr. Krishna is committed to making this medicine available to everyone. When most of the conventional treatments are very costly and out of reach of the common man, the cancer healer is highly affordable and easy to use. Dr. Krishna and his team of caregivers are trying relentlessly to bring relief to the cancer patients and also carrying further research to make the medicine more effective. We hope that he wins his battle and becomes a beacon of hope to millions of people.

About The Author

Picture of Cancer Specialist Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna, Director at Cancer Healer Center, is the perfect epitome of perseverance and dedication.

He has an impressive educational background to his credit. He completed his under-graduation in Medicine and Surgery from Pune, India and did his MD (Hom) from Agra University, India.Thesis on MD was on "Treatment of cancer" where he presented cases of almost 100 patients and the response of the medicines in the treatment of cancer. He then completed his Ph.d in Oncology from the United Kingdom and his thesis on the ‘Efficacy of Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’ is greatly commemorated and honored.

He befittingly represents alternate medicine and has contributed significantly towards the development and research of immunotherapy.

Through his nationwide chain of “Cancer Healer Center” clinics he strives to offer superior cancer treatment, using immunotherapy.

02 Mar, 2014
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