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Top 5 Lifestyle Tips to keep Cancer Away

Top 5 Lifestyle Tips to keep Cancer Away

Posted in: Cancer by Dr. Tarang Krishna Posted Date: 17 Jun, 2016

Apart from a healthy diet and daily exercise, it is very much necessary to incorporate these tips in your lifestyle to keep cancer at bay.

1) Avoid Canned Food Items: To keep cancer away, it is very much necessary that body gets essential nutrients from time to time. But unlike fresh foods, canned foods don't preserve nutrient. Also, the aluminium cans in which these food items are packed start to leak after a certain period of time.

2) Drink Pure Water: People have a tilt towards cold drinks, sodas, and hard drinks while they gulp down their meal. These drinks are harmful and lead the body to health complications. It is advised to take in 6 to 8 glasses of fresh and pure water every day as water avoids numerous health complications and blesses us with a healthy skin.

3) Don't use your Microwave often: Microwave eradicates all the important nutrients from a food item with its violent friction heat or thermic effects. It rather creates a new compound called radiolytic compound which is not otherwise found in a human body. Microwave is suspected to degrade cells and molecules. Thus, it should not be used very often to heat food.

4) Go Organic: Choose organic or locally grown food items for they are not grown using conventional chemicals for pest and weed control. They are fresh, packed with nutrients and GMO-free.

5) Catch some Rays: Catch sunlight for few minutes every day for it has to offer an important vitamin – Vitamin D. It helps in strengthening the bones and growth of the cells. It aids to a great extent in reducing inflammation.

About The Author

Picture of Cancer Specialist Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna, Director at Cancer Healer Center, is the perfect epitome of perseverance and dedication.

He has an impressive educational background to his credit. He completed his under-graduation in Medicine and Surgery from Pune, India and did his MD (Hom) from Agra University, India.Thesis on MD was on "Treatment of cancer" where he presented cases of almost 100 patients and the response of the medicines in the treatment of cancer. He then completed his Ph.d in Oncology from the United Kingdom and his thesis on the ‘Efficacy of Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’ is greatly commemorated and honored.

He befittingly represents alternate medicine and has contributed significantly towards the development and research of immunotherapy.

Through his nationwide chain of “Cancer Healer Center” clinics he strives to offer superior cancer treatment, using immunotherapy.

17 Jun, 2016
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