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Cervical Cancer successfully treated by Cancer Healer Center-Testimonial

Mrs. Reeta Shah, a resident of Delhi was diagnosed with cervical cancer in June 2016. It was a shock for her as she followed a healthy lifestyle. There were no signs of discomfort and she never expected something like this to dawn upon her.

She says the tumor was pretty big approximately 6.5cm and according to American Cancer Society; a tumor of this size cannot be operated. She had to go through a rigorous cancer treatment plan including multiple chemotherapy and radiation sessions. She went to Bombay Tata Memorial to consult other doctors and came back to Delhi. Her treatment started with chemotherapy sessions. It was after her second session that she started feeling the side effects such as hair loss, weakness and low platelet count.

In August, the side effects of chemotherapy started acting up more and more but she continued the treatment with her will power and continuous family support. She never let cancer overpower her and tried following her normal routine as much as she could. However, after the rigorous and harsh treatment, her body had started to fall out. People suggested alternative medicines but she wasn’t satisfied. She did a lot of research on her own and came across Dr. Tarang Krishna Cancer Healer Center reviews. She finally found some solace in their immunotherapy treatment as it was scientifically proven and had been explained in detail.

Then she decided to visit Cancer Healer Center. She was experiencing pain in her legs, lack of sleep, and general weakness signs. She says that Dr. Krishna’s medicine has helped her recover from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation in an extremely effective manner. She has no side effects and her reports are all clear. She says that with positive thinking, proper cancer treatment, and will to fight, one can definitely overcome cancer.

From the moment one is diagnosed with cancer, there is a fear of the unknown and worry about what’s going to happen next. She says that our mind has a very powerful influence over our physical self and hence, keeping the mind and spirit at peace is crucial to fighting cancer.

She strongly recommends Cancer Healer Center to all cancer patients as it offers effective cancer treatment and support.

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